We run a variety of Minitries each with thier own departmental head

Our Genesis

We started as a ministry attending to the needs of children and young adults in the community. We now have a growing congregation and a thriving Sunday school and run a separate Youth club called J.A.M. (Jesus Anointed Ministry) who meet on Friday evenings. See their page for more information. [hyper-link]

Our focus and direction have evolved over the years. WFC are now established in the community and as such work with other agencies to fulfil our God given call. We have developed a social responsibility arm call Pivot Point which is a company limited by guarantee and with our trustees manage and run the various social action projects we are involved in. We are therefore more than a church but a thriving ministry.


Currently our fellowship meets three times every week:


Sunday Worship - Sunday afternoons from 12 noon – 3 pm (main church)

Intercessory Prayer meeting - Tuedays from 11 am to 1.00 pm 

Prayer& Praise - Wednesday evenings from 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm

Youth club (J.A.M) - Friday evenings from 7 pm to 10.00 pm


Additional monthly meetings take place in th church


Women of Power - 1st Friday of each month from 7.30 pm to 10 pm.

Late Night Prayer meeting - 1st Friday of each month after WOP from 10 pm 



Members of our leadership & and ministry teams are available for personal appointments at the church or at homes.  Please call the church administrator on 07930 013221 to arrange.