Women of Power

Women of Power meet on the first Friday of each month.  We are a fun loving group of ladies, who enjoy socialising, chilling out and just letting our hair done after a hard day of ministry!


Our goal is to reach out to all the women in our familiies and communities who enjoy just being around other women - understanding our strengths and weaknesses and encouraging each other in our walk with Jesus.


No two meetings are the same but our general theme is taking care of the bodies God has given us by educating ourselves to eat well, pray, fast and be real with ourselves.


We meet monthly in room 3 at 7.30 pm.  The ministry is headed by Marva Bell, Assistant Pastor.  She is ably assisted by Beverley Chambers, one of the leaders of WFC and Cheyrl Simpson and Sonia Willie.  Together we make a formidable team - just seeking to be more like Christ each day.


Please feel free to join us.  If you want to have a chat or find out more about the ministry please contact Beverley Chambers on 07930 013221 or chambers-b@sky.com.

God bless you


Pastor Marva Bell

Women of Power