Football Mania
Football Mania is the brainchild of one of our volunteers, Alinsly Bell. He started this project by delivering a holiday programme for Harrow Council in 2009. From this he quickly realaised that when used as a medium, football can engender self-discipline, team work and community cohesiveness. Consequently he set about establisihing Football Mania as a project, run in the comminity and run particularly for those who are hard to reach or are at risk of becoming NEET.
To date there are several local companies who support the project, including Mark's Hair Salon in Rayners Lane, ERM Foundation in Central London and Accenture, a global IT Company.
The project is currently working with Sudubry Town Residnece Assocaition (STRA) to engender community spirit in this ward. Football Mania organised a comminity football match in Sudbury followed by a litter pick around the area.
To support this pproject or to get in touch email